Thursday 18 June 2009

My parents.

While I'm reading this book, I'm so grateful that my parents allow me to dream, because without their support, there's no way I have gone this far.

Especially my mom.

Even if she knew that it's not the most money-making job that I'm chasing after, she's never put me off from that. At the same time, when I'm moaning about my English level and how it hinders me in getting closer to my dream, both my parents gave me all the support needed and possible to help me. They've never, never judged me.

I've just finished my bachelor degree, and I've got a result that I'm quite pleased with, so undoubtedly they will be the first people who share my joy. I'm still not getting anywhere close to getting a real pay job in either continent, but I'm sure I'll get it. I thank them for never put any pressure on me, never force/persuade me to work in the finance/banking field.

I'm grateful that they taught me to judge right and wrong, but not to tell me what is right and what is wrong.

I can't wait to see them in less than 3 weeks time:)

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