Friday 7 August 2009

I love survey!

EIGHT lasts:

8. last cigarette: A couple week ago now.
7. last beverage: Pressed mango and apple juice from Tesco.
6. last phone call: To my mom
5. last text message: Izzy
4. last song listened to: Radiohead - Creep
3. last BUBBLE bath: Before I moved to here..a year ago I think?
2. last time you cried: When my parents left the town:(
1. last meal: Boiled Chinese noodles

SEVEN have you's:

7. have you ever dated someone twice: Yep.
6. have you ever been cheated on? Yes and it was shite.
5. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? Ha, thankfully, nope.
4. have you ever fallen in love? Yes.
3. have you ever lost someone? Yes.
2. have you ever been depressed? All the bloody time!
1. have you ever spat on someone? Nope but I should have..

SIX things you are gonna do or have done in the coming/past 3 days:

1. Went to work
2. Went shopping
3. Had dinner at Jan's house and played with Fufu
4. Sent out CVs and job applications
5. Feel the sun on my skin
6. Go for a run in the park

FIVE people who you want at your wedding:

1. My groom
2. My mom
3. My dad
4. My brother
5. My uncle

...and too many to list, really. I would love to have you all there!

List FOUR people you can tell pretty much anything to:

1. Arthur Chan
2. Keith Ko
3. Tammy Cheung
4. Rezo Baramia

...and apparently, some more names to be mentioned but I can only list FOUR:\

List THREE Favourite colours:

1. Purple
2. White
3. Bright red

List TWO things you want to do before you die:

1. Start my family with Mr the-one
2. To meet Jose Mourinho/David Beckham either one in person hehee

List ONE thing you want to do right now:

1. Get a job that pays me!

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