Thursday 27 August 2009

A pound saved is a pound earned!

That's why I've been queueing up at Primark customer service for 30 minutes, just to return a £2 dress, and updating my blog a bit too often.

I hope my jobless/working-for-free days will soon be over:\
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So you've been dumped.

In the name of researching for my editor, I was reading I know laughing at others' heartbreaks isn't a righteous thing, but I just can't help giggling in front of the monitor like a crazy woman when I was reading it.

So here are some of the break-up lines:

"I'm really sorry to have messed you about, but being with you had made me realise that I'm gay and I can't string you along anymore."

"I must have been on drugs the day I asked you out."

"I want to concentrate on art, so you have to go. Second will be my job."

"What we have has been amazing, and I really want to keep everything the way it is...except the boyfriend/girlfriend thing.'

I may have found those lines hilarious, but there's certainly a moment I feel like cursing the people who said those lines to break people's heart.

I do feel for them. But after all, there's no easy way to break up with someone, I assume?

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My new best friend.

Banoffee pie rules:)

I know I might regret it when I have to run perhaps 2 hours to burn the calories off, but who cares when it can give me the instant mood boost that I need?

It cures my sweet tooth, and it heals my soul.
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What is love?

If love is the truth
Then let it break my heart

If love is fear
Lead me to the dark

If love is a game
I'm playing all my cards

What is love?

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Wednesday 19 August 2009

I heart Glen Hansard!

He made this song so beautiful.

Saturday 15 August 2009

15 movies I've seen that will always stick with me.

Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen movies you've seen that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
50 First Dates
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Two Lovers
Big Fish
Love Actually
Sex and the City
He's Just Not That Into You
Match Point
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Brokeback Mountain
Moulin Rouge
Bridget Jones

Sunday 9 August 2009

What a coincidence.

Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal, or the memory of his kiss. So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away.

Desperate Housewives, S05E13

Friday 7 August 2009

I love survey!

EIGHT lasts:

8. last cigarette: A couple week ago now.
7. last beverage: Pressed mango and apple juice from Tesco.
6. last phone call: To my mom
5. last text message: Izzy
4. last song listened to: Radiohead - Creep
3. last BUBBLE bath: Before I moved to here..a year ago I think?
2. last time you cried: When my parents left the town:(
1. last meal: Boiled Chinese noodles

SEVEN have you's:

7. have you ever dated someone twice: Yep.
6. have you ever been cheated on? Yes and it was shite.
5. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? Ha, thankfully, nope.
4. have you ever fallen in love? Yes.
3. have you ever lost someone? Yes.
2. have you ever been depressed? All the bloody time!
1. have you ever spat on someone? Nope but I should have..

SIX things you are gonna do or have done in the coming/past 3 days:

1. Went to work
2. Went shopping
3. Had dinner at Jan's house and played with Fufu
4. Sent out CVs and job applications
5. Feel the sun on my skin
6. Go for a run in the park

FIVE people who you want at your wedding:

1. My groom
2. My mom
3. My dad
4. My brother
5. My uncle

...and too many to list, really. I would love to have you all there!

List FOUR people you can tell pretty much anything to:

1. Arthur Chan
2. Keith Ko
3. Tammy Cheung
4. Rezo Baramia

...and apparently, some more names to be mentioned but I can only list FOUR:\

List THREE Favourite colours:

1. Purple
2. White
3. Bright red

List TWO things you want to do before you die:

1. Start my family with Mr the-one
2. To meet Jose Mourinho/David Beckham either one in person hehee

List ONE thing you want to do right now:

1. Get a job that pays me!

Thursday 6 August 2009

Look who's back??

Oh my. Look at him. As if time hasn't left any mark on his face!

I feel like 16 again - I'm so looking forward to his comeback album:)

Sunday 2 August 2009


It washes away the dirt on the pavement; it cleans up the air; it waters the grass in the park to make them grow.

When it rains, I look forward to smelling the freshness in the air after the downpour. Sometimes when I get lucky, I can even see the rainbow hanging proudly in the sky.

As if how I see tears.
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